Hey there! We're glad you're here.
This application will take about 20 minutes to complete. Our goal is to get to know you, your goals, and your skills as best as possible so we can make sure Airfoil is the right place for you to learn and grow.
To be transparent, we're looking for a few things:
1. A strong design foundation we can help improve. Interns should have some practical design experience. That can be from a previous job or internship, but it can also be from anything else -- hackathons, student clubs, even self-directed design challenges. We're interested to know what "style" you have as a designer, and our goal through the internship will be to help you see that creative vision through effectively.
2. An interest in floating between different projects. Throughout a 4 month internship, it's possible you take on 2, 3, or even 4 different projects; if you're seeking an experience where you begin working on a mature product and see one single project through, this might not be the right environment for your interests.
3. An interest in the spaces of web3, fintech, edtech, or medtech. Airfoil clients tend to be within these spaces, and while there are other types of projects we take on, you'll grow most as a designer in an environment where you truly love the challenges you're taking on. As you answer the questions on the next page, it may be helpful to articulate which of these spaces you enjoy and how you developed that interest.
Interns can and have been remote at Airfoil, but if you reside in Toronto, Singapore, or Seoul or are open to relocating, we do recommend working with us in person for the best learning experience.
This process is about assessing mutual fit, not categorizing anyone as "good" or "bad" at what they do -- we want to understand you as deeply as possible and make sure this is the right choice for this phase of your career.
We really appreciate your time and promise to review every application thoroughly!